Friday, February 19, 2010

Troubadour and I...

K'naans Album : Troubadour
*Troubadour was a composer and performer of Occitan lyric poetry during the middle ages, its also a masculine term)
I would say when I listened to it initially, I was turned off by the song "America". I kept thinking I dunno what the heck this guy is saying, but then I cringed at my ignorance and gave it another chance. Keeping in mind that embracing other people's culture expands and leaves room for self expression, I became more open minded. Ironically, I fell in love with the song "Somalia" I believe he uses the tune from the Somalian national anthem to start off and then goes on to express himself. LoOoove it! As far as the rest of the album I'd have to say I'm indifferent, but I absolutely am a fan of "Waving Flag"(which is the song that sparked my curiosity for this album).

1 comment:

G⊕Ld'N RE$↓L↑ENCE Clothing™ said...

YO! In all honesty, I think K'Naan is one of the DOPEST rappers around! His harsh realities and lyrics just speak to me SOO LOUD! I was really feelin this album as well as The Dusty Foot Philosopher. He is a great lyricist & while others hate his voice, his flow and tracks are IMPECABLE!be

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