Monday, August 16, 2010


Over the past couple of days I have learnt/discovered soooooo much.
I am overjoyed because I feel serenity and contentment.
I was watching the Oprah dvd (past episodes) and
In one of the episodes she talks about writing down at least five things you are grateful for everyday. I, However have decided to tell myself at least five things I an grateful for everyday and believe me it makes a world of difference. I am showing people I appreciate them better and I am happier and at peace with all aspects of my life. This weekend was awesome, to say the least. I spent time with people that matter to me, people I love, and I had an amazing time
I also did some well deserved shopping with the bf.
I am indeed grateful for life!

*I am super excited for a lot of plans I have and I will share them as they develop from thoughts to reality ;)

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